Aeronautical Meteorological Service Station Botswana awarded BOS ISO 9001:2015

The Aeronautical Meteorological Service Station at The Department of Meteorological services recently upgraded its standards certification to BOS ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate from its previously awarded BOS 1SO 9001:2008. Mr Theko Fako the Deputy Managing Director of Botswana BOBS commended this transition and complemented the Departments efforts to show unwavering commitment to ensuring that they deliver services with an international standard. The scope of the certificate oversees all the processes involved in the provision of meteorological products and services, namely, weather and climate information at their Head office as well as the stations at Francistown, Kasane, Maun and Sir Seretse Khama International Airport. This certification assures also that the Aeronautical Meteorological Service Station of improved productivity, reduction in operational costs, improved service delivery and a strong basis for continual improvement.
Mr Fako went on to say that, “in today’s business transactions worldwide preference is given to certified organisations as this gives confidence to one’s customers, principals and stakeholders that they are receiving either a quality product or service.” He also explained that a certificate of this nature is earned through hard work and commitment. The Department had expended their limited resources in training its staff and putting together systems and processes to ensure attainment of such a certification.
“What is important is that you should, as management and staff own the systems with top management leading by example. With this certificate you now have an obligation to ensure that there is continued conformance with the requirements that formed the basis of certification. This mean that you will have to ensure that you audit your system periodically. That your internal auditors are continually appraised and equipped to enable them to perform their audit functions to levels expected of them in compliance to the requirements of this standard,” Mr Fako elaborated. In his concluding note he encouraged other government Ministries and Departments to look into having their services certified to BOS ISO 9001 standard.