If you want to achieve you should be determined to take risks
PPC Botswana has a brick making workshop

Economic diversification has always been a key priority for the sustenance of living standards for many Batswana, way before money became a medium or primary currency of exchange.
Since time immemorial, before the discovery of diamonds and other economic miracles that sustain our national economy to this day, Batswana have always engaged in initiatives or activities aimed at helping each other and promoting individual standards of living. One of such initiatives is metshelo or cooperative societies.
Today in Pitsane, PPC Botswana in conjuction with Thusanyo Building Support Group hosted a Motshelo brick making workshop. Thusanyo Building Support Group is one such traditional cooperative society commonly known in Setswana as a Motshelo, consisting of 132 members constituted of 22 cell groups made up of 6 people in each cell. The aim of the group is to help improve the individual standards of living for its members through helping them build homes for themselves and their families.
“Mogoi wa dira o abo a di e kgoela” loosely translated to mean, if you want to achieve you should be determined to take risks and chase dreams. this is a summary of the words that were echoed by Mme Precious Kamodi, the Chairperson of Thusanyo Building Support Group. Mma Kamodi is one of the founding members of the group. Today PPC BOTSWANA invited different media outlets and descended upon the small dusty village of Pitsane to pay a courtesy call on this Building support group, where PPC conducted a workshop for the individuals and media present. The workshop touched base on Safety protocols and then PPC conducted a brick molding session using their newly acquired custom made machine from South Africa. The machine was lent to the Society as an initiative to help them in their brick-making projects.certificates were later awarded to all those in attendance. Mrs. Kamodi however conceded that they still struggle with issues of transport and still appeals to the community at large and any other stakeholders to land a helping hand where possible.