Category: Botswana

Botswana Inaugural Makeathon: Dr Norris

University of Botswana Vice Chancellor Dr Norris  attended the Makeathon Dinner and also  gave an address to participants and otganisers. He could not applaud enough efforts by VDMA, Germany Embassy and ITQ GmbH .Botswana...

‘Do. Fail. Learn Repeat’

The just ended BIUST graduation was held under the theme ‘Harnessing Innovative Technologies, entrepreneurship in pursuit of a knowledge based economy’. The guest of Honour Dr. Tiro Mampane who is the Founder and President...

Budget 2020/21 highlights : For the Engineering sector

This Government is committed to transforming the economy through, refocusing existing policies, strategies and programmes….in order to create an inclusive economy with greater citizen participation. The first priority is Promotion of export-led growth. The...



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