Engineering news updates Latest

BioGas project bears fruit in Moshupa

The Minister of Mineral Resources,Green Technology and Energy Security, Hon. Lefoko Moagi went to Moshupa village this morning where there are biogas project beneficiaries to tour their projects. The 2 projects which were funded...

BIUST to turn Palapye into a smart city

The Botswana International University of Technology has to be one of the most promising universities in Southern Africa. The University has over 2000 students enrolled in different technology and Engineering degrees. The Vice Chancellor...

‘Botswana can make smart cars ‘

SEZA, University of Botswana and BIUST recently sponsored a launch of Makeathon 2019.- SMART GREEN BOTSWANA . Honorable Bogolo Joy Kenewendo gave a keynote address and officially launched the programme. In her opening statements...

What is SEZA Botswana?

What is SEZA Botswana?

SEZA stands for by the Special Economic Zones Authority.It is a parastatal under the Ministry of Investment Trade and Industry.It was empowered by the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Act, 2015.Its establishment was mainly to...

Teaching robotics from primary level :Sci-Bono

Engineer Magazine attended Innovation Education in Africa Conference held in Gaborone which attracted most African countries. This platform was meant to have educationalists in Africa, that included Ministers to share different technological tools and...



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